Giving Your Best Friend Your Jacket [ASMR Roleplay] [F4M] [Friends To Lovers]
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- In this audio you and your best friend decide to go out and spend some time together. But when they get chilly and you give them your jacket, things...feel different.
It is important to note that all of the characters in my videos, fantasy or not are over the age of 18.
Thank you to Birdie Senpai, Leonardo Carrillo, Maverik Martin, Pineapplequiche, B1ue 7eaper, Dean Winchester, ClawsAndTeeth, The Digital Consumer, Team Oh Tee, Alieo Sharp, Andrea, Thin Iceberg, Lbjcke, Nameless Hero, Yves Eugster, Gunter, Mr. Leeton, Bobby, CaptainMurphy, Shovl, John Doe, Luke Thomas, Lukas Carmen, DannyQuastro for their support on Patreon.
Audio by: Shadow Fire
Thumbnail by: Cyan
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2:02 Vibey
Finally, some Good audio
Great VA
A tad too pre obsessed with him but the more humble and natural F2Ls are quite nice
@@ComfortsSpecter Thank you
I love friends to lovers audios
I mean they're good but they're not realistic at all. We all know the friendzone is a prison you can't escape from.
@@VoidFunction837 Lol, nonsense. Friends to lovers is the natural route to a relationship. Why would you start a relationship with someone if you don't even know who they are? Or how can you develop feelings for them without knowing what they're like? Unless they're your friend first?
@@sammcfarlane2494 Yay!
Jokes on you i don't have any friends to turn them into my lover😏😏
That must suck unless you’re making a joke but still
@Lasagnaman99 no I'm being jokingly real , I have no friends
REAL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I WAKE UP TO NOTHING AND NOONE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Nothing a little chloroform wont fix😊
Hope you all stay warm and cozy. Cozy lovely time. Sweet job as always ❤
Thank you!!
I really enjoyed this story. I confessed to a friend once like this but my feelings weren’t reciprocated. It’s good to hear a happy ending.
@@chrisbuff7405 aww I’m sorry
I think i might surprise my friends if i ever gave them my jacket in obvious winter, and just walk normally in a t shirt the rest of the way to the destination. Natural Cold resistance is fun
@@emantv2173 Aww
@@shadowfireVA Merry christmas by the way
@ Merry Christmas!
Just got done with a stats exam, needed this
@@tswizzlemcbizzle yay!
Loved this, felt so warm and fuzzy
@@sambarne8712 yay!
I can't tell if these sting more than they help or help for than they sting. Either way, you always do a wonderful job with these.
@@Xull41st I’m sorry?
By this point we can officially declare giving out one's sweater a method of confession with 😅❤
Love it like always
@@DannyQuastro yay!
Friends to lovers audios are the best and I love this one a lot thanks Shadow
@@jaysmith6841 yay!
Really sweet and wholesome audio made me smile thanks shadow.
@@NatureJack-z9c yay! You’re welcome!
You need some comfort? Here ya go. 😁♥️
Awesome audio, Shadow! Perfect for some comfort after stress! Have a excelent day! 🌹
@@thefelipokemasterepic7600 Thank you!
6:08 - We got her, bois.
@@Skinn-Tuh-Lor ^^
Title and description:jacket
Thumbnail name:sweater
Me:confusion intensified*
Lol cute video Shadow this was sweet, my favorite soups be tomato and Ramen, especially spicy miso Ramen and I rarely like spicy stuff lol. Hope you have a lovely night Shadow, God bless and much love.🖤
@@leeblackwolf3158 Same to you! God bless you!
This was lovely and wholesome! If I may be honest about one tiny thing I appreciated about this though, it's that there was no kissing. Very rarely have I seen relationships - REAL ones - that start and they're already pecking each other. It's a tiny thing that I really like about this one! Makes it feel a little more realistic! Excellent work, Shadow!
@@ClawsAndTeeth gotta take things slow!
@shadowfireVA EXACTLY! You understand! 🤝
Great as always, keep it up 😊
@@Arno_420 Thank you!!
"Give me some credit!"
Im trying but you wont let me!
@@erikohman2294 hahah
Great job on this video, Shadow! I enjoy a good soup every now and then, and I like to make the people that I care about are taking good care of, like staying warm 🍲🧥
@@isaacw.brooks8417 yeah!
I'm so delirious right now she could probably steal it off of me and I wouldn't notice.
@@BirdieSenpai Awww
Jokes on you, my friends are my lovers-
Wait, what?
@@simplydave9649 huh?
It's not that weird to like gladiator
@@jaysmith6841 I’ve been told “women shouldn’t like violence.” And it always makes my dad laugh
I get the romantic implications in it but I like to offer my jacket to friends who are just cold. No real meaning behind it just “hey you’re cold do you need a jacket?” Cause usually I’m fine without mine unless it’s like cold as hell outside and my friend has a jacket and just cold
@@Sun_Disciple456 Same!
Jokes on y’all, I got friends but not one sees me as a Lover😂😂😂
@LeekuSaiGod aww one day!
Oh God spare me this is just too cute
@@mr.vesper5659 ^^
New subscriber here😊
@@MMghx-j9s yay! Welcome!
❤*Great Video!! I Hope you’re doing Well!!
@@lljw9455 Thank you! You too!
Soup 🍜
@@b1u7eaper good soup!
@ 👌
Just get better❤ hi Shadow how are you?
@ThomasTheTankEngine-wo5tr good! You?
Hello there 😄
@@lol-2247 Hello!
Ten Words: Eight Words: Six Words: Four Words: Two Words: It's Peak
@@BiggerPongoReal451 yay
Do you ever just realise, regardless of the way you listen to these audios, you always end up in some form of contemplation. Taking a few minuets to think, "Why am I doing this?" or "God, imagine the embarrassment if my friends found out!". Because I have. I'm well aware of the "abnormality" of listening to these, and personally I choose to ignore the blatantly obvious signs that i should stop watching audios like this. But hey, as long as im enjoying myself right?
@@Grum-j1c You’re not hurting anyone! Besides you could learn some things from listening to this.