what i asked specifically is why are people complaining here and not on his patreon page? i'm not after people commenting on here since as you said this is a site for commenting, what i can't understand is why are the complaints about the game directed here and not on the developer's page
Well...You have your problem right there....
99% of the people on this site doesn't have a Patreon account.
And because 99% of the people haven't payed a penny ever to something on Patreon they aren't allowed on things like Discord.
And not only that, but have you read all those messages in the last 50+ pages?... The amount of double posts and just Shit.
They don't even go to the trouble to read a couple pages back or use a search function, you really think that those people will create a account on Patreon and send a message to a creator....
Those people want to complain, and to have somebody else fix it for them while they complain a little bit more.
They don't want to put effort into something.
While the other 1% does in a logical way.
They pay on patreon, they send BoN a message on Patreon with constructive tips and what's wrong or go on his discord channel and report these things there.
Like i said before.
F95 and Logic/Common Sense isn't really something that exists