So is this going to be the new Monday Night Wars? As someone who has not watched wrestling since around 2000, I decided to watch it tonight since the TCU/BSU game was at half time and there was nothing else to watch.
I like RAW and was intrigued since I wanted to see what the Hitman would do, truth be told it was pretty uneventful and really disapointing in the end.
The match I did see on TNA, just becuase I decided to see what they were about was VERY good and reminded me of the skill that these athlets have. It was AJ Styles/Angle match. How much of the match was scribed who knows, but over all it was a great match.
What I disliked was the "Let's go AJ/Angle chats from the crowd", they seemed pretty scripted and not authentic. Like I said I did not watch the entire live show, but what I saw skill wise was very good, considering WWE had Orton/Kingston

I did like the crowd getting involved ala ECW days of old and the "Who needs Bret" chat was pretty good, looked like 3 fans started it. If that is how every TNA match is then that is a good thing, crowd interaction like that is great and seems to only make the matches better IMO
I think that having older established superstars helps get fans to begin with but TNA needs to stay fresh and not revert back to WCW of the 90's with title changes left and right and dry, underdeveloped storylines.
Right now I am on the fence with TNA, the older main event WCW/WWF stars I like and AJ Styles is amazing. I am just worried that TNA might revert back to WCW from the 90's and that would be a huge disappointment since I fell the WWE is getting very tiresome. I mean really what is up with a "guest host"? TNA could very easily take over if they just avoid the mistakes from 15 years ago.